Sam Horton



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Risks of Vaping: A Comprehensive Look

Image contrasting traditional cigarettes and modern e-cigarette devices, with warning signs, health icons, and a teenager holding an e-cigarette, emphasising health risks and environmental concerns.

Risks of Vaping: A Comprehensive Look What’s going on, guys? I hope you’re all well. Today, we’re diving into the topic of vaping. Vaping has become incredibly popular, with even kids as young as 11 seen using vapes. While many think vaping is better than smoking cigarettes, the long-term effects are still largely unknown since […]

Caffeine-Free Journey: My 30-Day Experience

Featured image for the caffeine-free challenge blog: Depicts a clock showing 30 days, a cup of decaf coffee, and symbols representing energy and vitality.

Caffeine-Free Journey: My 30-Day Experience Recently, I embarked on a 30-day caffeine-free journey, swapping out my usual caffeinated drinks for decaf alternatives. Curious about the effects of eliminating my four or five daily cups of coffee, I meticulously documented my experiences, both positive and negative. Join me as I delve into the day-by-day breakdown, key […]

My Experience with Veganism: Why I Tried It and Why I Stopped

My experience with veganism. Split image depicting a vegan diet with fresh vegetables and fruits on one side, and an omnivore diet with fish, eggs, and lean meats on the other, highlighting the contrast between the two dietary choices.

My Experience with Veganism: Why I Tried It and Why I Stopped What’s good, guys? In today’s blog, I’m going to talk about my experience with veganism. I’m going to be talking about my experience with veganism. Back in 2012, I decided to go vegan. However, two and a half years later, I reverted to […]