Sam Horton



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Overcoming Fear and Anxiety: Proven Personal Strategies

An illustration depicting a person standing confidently on top of a mountain, symbolizing overcoming fear and anxiety. Rays of sunlight shine down, representing hope and positivity. The person's posture exudes resilience and determination, with arms raised in victory.

Overcoming Fear and Anxiety: Proven Personal Strategies Hey guys, hope you’re all good! Today, I want to touch on something many of us experience in various areas of life: fear and anxiety. How can we overcome these emotions and move forward with confidence? Here are some strategies that have helped me in overcoming fear and […]

Deleted Instagram: 30 Day Social Media Detox

man using instagram

Deleted Instagram: 30 Day Social Media Detox The Instagram Psyop Instagram often presents an idealised version of people’s lives, showcasing travel, fashion, fitness, and other aspirational content. But could this be influencing people to believe that this lifestyle is normal? And is it creating unrealistic expectations for an entire generation of app users? Let’s dig […]

Self Destructive Behaviours: Avoiding Vices

Person standing next to another person with wings, representing the contrast between self-destructive behaviors and positive influences.

Self Destructive Behaviours: Avoiding Vices How can we avoid vices? Whether it’s having a drink, smoking weed, vaping, binge-watching Netflix, or junk food—anything that offers an escape from the challenges of our current situation is considered a vice. I’ve wrestled with vices numerous times in my life. It’s an ongoing struggle in a world where […]

How To Be More Focused & Avoid Distractions

A man in meditation pose, fostering focus and blocking out distractions to enhance productivity.

How To Be More Focused & Avoid Distractions In today’s fast-paced world, staying focused can be an uphill battle. The rise of social media and the digital age has inundated us with endless choices and distractions, leaving our brains constantly flooded with dopamine. As a result, our dopamine receptors are becoming desensitised, requiring even more […]

How To Boost Confidence and Self Esteem

Silhouette of a man's head and shoulders, reflecting boosted confidence and self-esteem.

How to Boost Confidence and Self Esteem Self esteem. Where does it come from? How is it built? Why do people have varying degrees of it? It’s a mysterious thing which impacts our ability to socialise, set healthy boundaries, and has a huge impact on our emotional wellbeing. Benefits of Having High Self Esteem First, […]